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Twitter Statistics – 11 Tools to Measure Twitter Statistics

Twitter Statistics – 11 Tools to Measure Twitter Statistics

Knowing Twitter statistics through Twitter Analytics is one of the most critical tasks we must regularly perform in our profile.

In Marketing Online, we always say that measuring results is key to knowing if our strategy is working or not. The Social Media Marketing Plan includes this section, and, as I was saying. Improving our digital actions and progress towards achieving our goals is essential.

These are the 11 Tools to Measure Twitter Statistics:


1. Socialbro

It is 1 of the utmost essential tools. It has complete statistics so you can analyse your Twitter campaign or your competition step by step.

So it gives you data from any Twitter list, your lists (private or not) or public list, comparing its members with your contacts.

In addition, now it has just incorporated new functionalities. So, for example, you can get statistics on specific community segments on Twitter and market niches you want to know more approximately.

It is perfect for fine-tuning your target, knowing details about your competition, discovering the latest trends, etc. You must use the different SocialBro filters and generate reports based on those results.

2. Twtrland

It is the perfect tool to identify the influence factors of specific profiles. It categorises you among more than 60,000 categories where you can view the number of followers, the most famous followers, the user’s location, the frequency of RTs, published tweets, photos, shared links, etc.

Signing up is as easy as registering and directly on the dashboard. So you can see a graph with the type of tweets sent, the average number of daily tweets, and those marked as favourites.

So it is a simple tool to use and valuable to know the users’ profiles at a glance.

3. TweetStats

TweetStats is one of the easiest to use. First, you have to put your username on Twitter to access it. Then, although it takes a while, it loads you graphically about the time zone, average tweets per hour, average daily tweets, tweets per month, retweets, and people with the What else are you talking approximately? With it, you can see your behaviour patterns.

4. Twitonomy

It is perfect to know the repercussion, the diffusion, and the visual content of a tweet since it allows us to analyse accounts on Twitter, thanks to the fact that it has a control panel where we can see the mentions, the retweets, the followers, and the lists.

It creates a profile for us where we can see the data of our tweets and followers as a percentage and directly download it in excel or XML.

5. Foller. me

If you want to analyse the last 100 tweets of a specific account. The most used hashtags or the most trending topics among your competitors. This tool gives you the most detailed data at a glance without having to complicate yourself much.

It is perfect for making simple reports without too much data. Especially for events or presentations where everything has monitor through a hashtag.

6. TweetReach

This platform is straightforward to use. You must type the word you want to analyse or the Twitter user in a moment. The application creates a report with the number of exposures. Its free version shows you the last 50 tweets on your timeline and their scope.

Also, if you go a little deeper, you can see the unique visits, the people a specific tweet reaches, etc.

7. Twitter Counter

Although its access to the free part is fundamental, with Twitter Counter. You can see graphs of your followers and the evolution as a prediction in your Twitter account in 30 days.

To start using it, you need to specify your username and give permission to access it in a matter of seconds. Twitter Counter shows you a report with the figures and data you need to know.

One of the options I like the most in its free version is that it allows you to search for other profiles to compare.

8. Topsy

If you’ve ever gone crazy looking for a way to find a specific tweet, Topsy can help you with that. She has a potent search engine that allows you to filter by particular publication time (day, week, month) and even adjust the date range using a calendar. It also allows you to filter by the specific content of each tweet, see the links, photos, videos, etc. and provides detailed graphs of this data.

9. Tweepi

Perfect for optimising your Twitter account, Tweepi is a follower manager. So which is excellent for seeing who follows you and who doesn’t go through its free version. To access it, you have to put in your Twitter account and create a user. Once logged in, you have to access your main panel and start messing around with all the options you can carry out.

10. FollowerWonk

Thus, it is a tool that works based on the words we are looking for, classifying the data by influence and number of followers. It also allows us to see if we follow or follow the users of the list of results we have searched.

It’s perfect for searching for specific profiles with specific hashtags based on their location, influence, gender, language, most active hours, number of tweets, etc. And for comparing relationships with other users, brands, or products. The report it incorporates can download directly in CSV or Excel.

11. Mention Mapp

It is an excellent tool for seeing the connections between users. Moreover, it generates an interactive map that is perfect for us to monitor the follow-up of users, topics, mentions, hashtags, etc., and develop a complete report.

So we can modify this map by moving each object and giving them the importance we want about the number of mentions, hashtags, etc. At a glance and visually, we can see which users we interact with the most, the comments, the words us, and the most important tweets that have had the most impact.


So it is a compilation of tools that can help you in your day-to-day life. But remember that you always have to put your point of view and make sense of it because a tool without more does not contribute anything.

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